Xennial R&B star Usher Raymond has collaborated with Remy Martin for the #TeamUpForExcellence, the cognac brand created to fuse music and cognac creatively.
The campaign called “Team Up For Excellence – The Film” highlights the cultural connection between music and cognac reaching all the way back to France circa 1917 and moving forward ever since, reported PRNewswire. Usher brought his star power to the six-minute experience that is full of dancing from different eras.
Usher used his best effort to play several roles and narrate the story. The short’s angle was not just about music, but how Black music related to the consumption of cognac, namely Remy Martin’s brand.
“What is the link between the land of cognac and jazz, blues and hip-hop?” Usher says at the beginning of the film. From there, viewers are taken through a series of quick costume changes, fast-paced period choreography, and an overall delightful time wrapped in a history lesson.
On Twitter, fans were supportive and congratulatory about the announcement.
Love the concept!!! Fusion of excellence in the purest form !
— Mesha Watkins (@MeshaWatkins) April 30, 2021
The view about the french here is a little naive, but the video is very solid. You’re a natural, you should do more things like this. It gaves me superbowl vibes.
— Van Deyd (@VanDeyd) April 30, 2021
Love this
— DebbyUSHER (@debsterJLS) April 22, 2021
But, there are always those tweeters who are ready to remind a celebrity of their past.
can i buy it with Usher Bucks?
(@eddiezus) April 24, 2021
Get you #usherbucks ready! ? https://t.co/6d69Djb9kM
— That Guy Raf ???? (@thatguy_raf) May 12, 2021
These tweets referring to Usher creating his own money and allegedly using it to make it rain in the strip club last month.
At first, many people thought the singer was up to shady dealings by rewarding hardworking Atlanta strippers with completely valueless tender. But, Usher eventually sat down for an interview with Billboard and explained that the “Usher bucks” were an item used to promote his upcoming Las Vegas residency. The fake currency was left randomly around town.
Of course, Black Twitter wasn’t going to let that pass, no matter what the excuse was.
Real Photo of Usher’s Wallet ? #UsherBucks #Usher #cheapmf pic.twitter.com/vLN3G8ozj1
— RonjustRon? (@raxson23) April 13, 2021
Usher counting those Ushbuck before he hit the club..#ushbucks#Usher #UsherBucks pic.twitter.com/uRKF1HrxjJ
— AB (@fourtencity) April 12, 2021
Next time I’m in church and the collection plate come around ima hand the ushers an u$her.. #UsherBucks pic.twitter.com/uonYlEx7n2
— $OOP? (@lattin_america) April 14, 2021
We’re proud of you, Usher. But, for real…will Remy Martin accept our Usher bucks or not?