Photo Courtesy of Instagram (@realdlhughley/ @therealmoworldwide)
The Mo’Nique and D.L. Hughley feud has taken a turn. Now, we have receipts!
On Monday evening, Mo’nique shared an eloquent and lengthy response to Hughley’s #talktoyourpeople comment with her own receipts.
She shared photos of her performance agreement, emails and texts pointing out how comedians and performers are often “taken advantage of by the business.”
“@realdlhughley There were some of you who were fooled by the smoke and mirrors of D.L. posting his Deal Memo” versus his ‘Performance Agreement.’ Here is my Performance Agreement, and here are emails and texts confirming that, as per usual, I’m going to always keep it real and honest with my people. If you notice, mine has signatures, and D.L. does not. What type of iron-clad agreement doesn’t have the signatures of the participants involved? Apparently, D.L.’s. Lol!,” she wrote.
She continued, “Now, you told me to check with my management, and this is what I came up with, so how’d did I do? Perhaps you should’ve taken your own advice because I’m sure your team would have advised you against trying to pass a deal memo off as a contract. To those out there who thought a deal memo was the same as a performance agreement (especially some of the comedians), this is how we’re constantly taken advantage of by the business.”
If that wasn’t enough, Mo’Nique told Hughley to present his receipts, writing, “And, just so you know, the promoter already told my team before the show that you didn’t have a signed agreement. That’s why I’m not surprised you’re using a deal memo. That said, maybe they lied, and you actually have a contract. If so, the promoters have put themselves in a terrible position to have more legal action taken against them, beyond malicious concealment for breaking the contract at the last second. That said, D.L., we, the people, will be waiting for your signed agreement.
1. My contract- signed
2. Email with PDF of Run of Show
3. Run of Show
4. Additional email with ROS
5. What I walked into minutes after arriving to the theatre.
Can you say receipts? LOL
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Hughley responded with his own receipts and photos of his contract.
“After this… I don’t want hear no mo’ about this✌?here it is in black & white!! The only thing blacked out is personal and bank info. Pay attention to:
?Highest paid artist on show
??Artist to have approval of lineup
??Lineup of the show – DL Hughley (closing)
“Receipts > Opinions. I got everything that was stated in my contract… everything. But let’s say I didn’t, my beef wouldn’t be with anyone but the promoter and/or my team and I damn sure wouldn’t make it personal. If you have a problem, take it up with management and by that, I mean yours✌?– Darryl Lynn Hughley.”
He even decided to do a closeup of Mo’Nique’s contract writing,
“Maaaaan… Hick’s Media Inc?? Hold up!! That’s you!!! You really showing everyone a contract you submitted from your own company? I smell bullsh*t, and I wouldn’t pick it up with the old ass birth certificate paper it was written on!! Stop the ?!!
Again my contract:
??Headliner ✅
?Highest paid artist on show✅
??Artist to have approval of lineup✅
??Lineup of the show – dl Hughley (closing) ✅
Now explain to me how my shit was delivered on and yours wasn’t?? Sounds to me like your problem is with “Hicks media inc.”
Can we please implement the three knockdown rule?? ?? – Darryl Lynn Hughley #teamdl #jankypromoters #funkyfingerproductions #tko”
The feud started on May 28, when Hughley and Mo’Nique performed in “The Comedy Explosion” at the Fox Theater in Detroit. Mo’Nique was under the impression that she would be headlining the show. However, that did not go as planned, so she decided to call out Hughley during her set for the headlining contract dispute.
What ensued was a game of tag between the two, throwing shade and calling each other out on Instagram.
The ball is back in Mo’Nique’s court. Are you #TeamDL or #TeamMo?
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