Typically, rapper Plies is a hit on the internet with his free game and infectious energy– but the “Drip 4 Sale” emcee struck a nerve with the ladies after agreeing with the foolishness that Potter’s House Pastor T.D. Jakes spewed in a sermon from June.
Plies, born Algernod Lanier Washington, posted a clip of the sermon on July 19, cosigning the sh*tty message from Jakes saying that “we are raising up women to be men.”
“I Swea TD Jakes Can Sue Me But I’m Putting This On My Next Song!!!!! I Can’t Stop Listening To It!! I Just Think This Message Is So Deep,” Algernod wrote on Twitter.
I Swea TD Jakes Can Sue Me But I’m Putting This On My Next Song!!!!! I Can’t Stop Listening To It!! I Just Think This Message Is So Deep!!! ?? pic.twitter.com/qYo3GBECLZ
— Plies (@plies) July 20, 2022
Black Twitter quickly flamed the ashy post, the rapper and the Woman Thou Art Loosed actor.
It’s problematic and misogyny at the highest form. I hope black women are truly protected starting now from their ancestors because they are truly endangered with this way of thinking
— hey.chanichan (@HChanichan) July 20, 2022
I can’t name a single sister that wakes up every day wanting to bear the world on her shoulders. Instead of talking to his brethren, we have yet 1 MO’ church nigga talking AT Black women instead of telling Black men to stand up. STFU https://t.co/T3Kd1EpJ82
— Keka Araújo (@KAraujoNWT) July 20, 2022
This the real truth pic.twitter.com/VxAR514fky
— KawashiaMc ? (@DymondNthaRough) July 20, 2022
This is so anti-black. This is how Black women have been described by white people and pickmes since slavery to justify denying their humanity. I’m so curious how you gonna put this in a track!!
— I’m not regular nothin (@SpeckieBaby) July 20, 2022
So which one is it, Plies? One day you’re tweeting you appreciate independent women who hold their own, and the next, you’ re retweeting ignorance & crying about a woman not needing you makes you ” shy away.” Bruh PICK ONE. You can’t have both.
— Dr. QB ????
??? (@2QUINtessential) July 20, 2022
I’m sorry but there is more to our relationship than just providing money for a person. What men fail to realize is that it’s just a small factor of relationship most of these men don’t know how to communicate, properly express emotions, or protect and respect women.
— Sapphira Lloyd (@reality_qutoes) July 20, 2022
Nothing deep here. Women can be anything they want. Most households need two incomes these days, and how many men honestly share 50/50 with the cooking, cleaning and the kids? Quit bashing women, she is almost always the one who sacrifices the most.
— jpenn1 (@jpennix1) July 20, 2022
He should be encouraging men to step up and be leaders of the household that’s the root cause of this! Instead of coming for the women who had no choice but to take on the leadership role.
— llcoolrese ?
? (@llcoolrese) July 21, 2022
In May 2021, Plies got cooked online for jumping into the bonnet debate. He expressed that Black women shouldn’t wear the protective head covering in public.
“It Should Be A Law U Shouldn’t Be Able To Wear Bonnets No More Than 6 Feet Outside Your Residence. They Wearing These MTFers In The Airport Like They A Louis Vuitton Bucket Hat!!!!! Ain’t In Y’all Business Ladies I Just Thought They Was Suppose To Be To Slept In!!! ? .”
Jakes gave the sermon in question on Father’s Day at The Potter’s House in Dallas. The message titled “Real Men Pour In” told women that when they lead, “it breaks the divine order.”
The 57 minutes of bullsh*t seemingly blamed women for the state of the world.
“Real men pour in,” Jakes said. “If Adam had not allowed Eve to pour into him, sin would have never come into the world. Sin came into the world because Adam broke the order. We were not designed to receive from women. Your self-esteem is compromised when you have to ask your wife for lunch money.
“And Adam, all of a sudden, has allowed the curse to come because he stopped pouring,” he added.
Resigning women to idiots that could not function without the guidance of men.
The ashy pastor also advised women to “be careful about pouring too much into us” because “we are designed to pour into you, and you are designed to take what we pour into you and increase it and make it better.”
He continued saying that women supporting men has essentially jacked up the flow of the world.
“This breaks all the sociological order of the culture we are living in now because we are raising women to be men. And you are not applauded for your femininity. You are applauded in the contemporary society by how tough, rough, nasty, mean, aggressive, hateful, possessive you are. And you’re climbing the corporate ladder, but we are losing our families,” Jakes said to a cheering audience.
“I know you can buy your own car; I know you can buy your own house, but until you create a need that I can pour into, I have no place in your life. So stop coming home bragging to me about how much you don’t need me and wonder why I shy away.”
“The conversation has become, ‘Let’s prove to the men how dispensable they are.’ And it is born out of pain ‘cause we hurt you, and betrayed you, and lied to you and cheated to you, and you came like you became out of pain. But watch what is born out of pain,” Jakes continued.
Jakes also told men that they should be more than financial providers. Ultimately, that should have been the moral of the sermon without piling dumb sh*t on top of Black women. But alas, it’s easier to dump foolishness on sisters rather than hold men accountable.