Rapper Nicki Minaj was on Instagram live with her former consultant Kevin Samuels, and fans were shocked to see the two together. Samuels is known for giving what some say is toxic dating advice on social media.
Minaj apparently wanted Samuels to “rate” her, having rated herself a seven. Samuels disagreed with Minaj and told her she was a nine and got extra points for her eyes. He said that the number seven was most women’s default number. He also said her face was symmetrical and photogenic.
Fans were shocked to see Minaj cosigning Samuels due to what he’s said about Black women, including his foul-a** advice telling a Black woman that she needed to lose weight to find a good man.
“You’re a running-back size,” he said. “You could hit the A gap like a motherf**ker. So don’t come up in here talking about what men can and cannot do when they got to accept somebody who could run the power eye. You should be so grateful that a high-value man would pick you over a woman who is 5’4, 120 pounds, and a dress size four.”
Samules’ advice for Black women has also been compared to white patriarchal points of view, including his advice that Black women should expect less and lower standards when choosing a man. He also told Black women to look at white women as role models for finding a good man.
Fans were shocked to see the two together because of Kevin Samuels’ toxic dating advice to Black women. Many wanted to know why she was even speaking to the man, let alone not calling him out for his comments.
Rae Sunni noted that Nicki Minaj was married to a convicted sex offender with several pending lawsuits, implying perhaps she’s not the best poster girl for female empowerment.