The internet’s favorite swearing grandmother was laid to rest.
Helen Davis, also known as Grandma Holla, had her funeral on Jan. 28, 2023 (Saturday) at New Life Community Church, her granddaughter, Michelle William, announced in a video. Those who couldn’t attend the funeral in person could watch it online.
The use of camera and video recording devices was reportedly restricted, but videos and images of the wake, funeral and burial surfaced online.
One TikTok video presented what the live stream looked like, which showed Grandma Holla resting in her white casket with flowers sitting on top. The screen then showed a photo slideshow of Grandma Holla and her family members.
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A 10-minute YouTube video of the burial displayed the pallbearers carrying the casket to Grandma Holla’s burial site, and family and friends gathered around. After a quick prayer, a funeral worker announced to the family that it was the end of the funeral service and instructed family and friends to make their way to the repass.
One video captured the repass decorations, which consisted of many shades of purple balloons, seat covers and floral centerpieces. There was a stage with a large “Helen ‘Holla’ Davis” poster with Grandma Holla’s face. There were two rectangular posters next to the stage with photos of a lottery ticket, frappuccino and watermelon (things Grandma Holla loved), and a QR code to be scanned.
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Sis2Sis previously reported that Grandma Holla died at 97 on Jan. 14, 2023. Williams delivered the news, stating the 97-year-old died peacefully in her sleep.
Grandma Holla took the social media world by storm after videos captured her swearing like a sailor and giving her honest opinion on things happening in the world. She was a loving mother, grandmother and educator.