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From The Editor’s Desk: Serena Williams’ Career Is A Celebration Of Black Women’s Excellence

We are the standard.

Let’s be clear about Serena Williams. SHE IS THE G.O.A.T., and the grandstanding over pending retirement by white media, the U.S. Open is rich. They spent YEARS doing everything they could to sabotage, break and demean the Williams sisters. And their excellence couldn’t be denied.

But what I love to see more than anything is this– Billy Jean King and Martina Navratilova having to be gracious after

talking sh*t about her for years. B.J.K. gave a speech about our good sis’ GOAT status, and Navratilova watched her dominate her opponent after saying the 23-time Grand Slam winner wasn’t it anymore.

I’m sure Serena doesn’t give a damn about either one of them. But THIS is and has been the story for many Black women– being the absolute standard and epitome of excellence, and folks constantly try to diminish our shine. The difference here is–the world got to watch, and now that same world gets to see. OUR shining star in Nike and Diamonds be given the respect she should’ve always had!

I wish she would’ve worn blinged-out beads and cornrows for these last games….for a final K.M.A.!

Whether or not Serena wins is irrelevant…She has accomplished feats that NOT ONE OF HER HATERS has.

And then I look at the circle of Black women-  I KNOW AND LOVE!

The squad consists of diplomatic liaisons, managing editors, national directors of organizations, V.P.s of MAJOR organizations, game-changing life coaches, founders of Black imprints at major publishers, high-ranking best-selling authors, administrators in healthcare, high-ranking positions within the federal government…etc. SISTERS THAT GET SH*T DONE! I AM PROUD TO CALL THEM FRIENDS! They will read this and know who they are! I salute y’all!

Take note, Black women, the folks that talk the most sh*t about us, COULD NEVER do what WE DO!

I love to see it! ? 


Published by
Keka Araújo

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