Love & Hip Hop’s Erica Mena’s recent appearance on the reunion show drew concern on social media. The 35-year-old mother of three and now ex-wife of fellow castmate Safaree Samuels had social media divided on whether her shocking look was deserved or not.
On November 21, Mena shared how Samuels’ lack of “care” took a toll on her physically and mentally. She detailed her struggles with getting out of bed while having to “feed” her two young children since their divorce. The reality star also explained to shocked castmates Scrappy, Spice, Bambi and Karlie Redd how the Jamaican rapper abandoned her and their kids.
The 5-minute clip of the reunion video was difficult to watch, and Mena’s appearance was a significant change from the vibrant woman she once was. The Dominican and Puerto Rican reality star was a shell of her former self, appearing to be underweight, exhausted and older.
Ironically, Safaree showed no emotion as his ex-wife poured out her heart.
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Black Twitter was divided on whether or not Safaree’s ex-wife was receiving her just desserts for her past actions or was she was actually suffering at the hands of her former lover.
Some people felt like the Jamaican rapper wasted Mena’s time.
Safaree sucked the life out of Erica Mena after chasing her for years. When will women learn to never date men who spend years chasing them because the persistence is strictly coming from the thrill of the chase. Keep it that way & be unattainable forever
— FendiMendi ?? (@CarrmEl_) November 24, 2022
and didn’t safaree chase erica for years? we need a study on why the men who wanted to drink your bath water end up doing the most dirt in the end
— t (@tiannelisex) November 23, 2022
I can’t believe Safaree chased Erica Mena Down For So long; married her, made her have kids with him & he just switched up so cold. That lady like 80 pounds now ? That’s why you gotta let fans stay fans? date who YOU want
cuz once they done chasing you, they get you & that it
— King Eddie in my lover boy arc ?
(@BLaze4490) November 26, 2022
Safaree stressed Erica Mena out so bad she don’t even look the same . You can tell she stressed out and broken hearted fr ?
— Kam? (@Kennedykam3k) November 22, 2022
Every time I see a clip of Erica Mena & Safaree, I always say a quick prayer: “Lord,please protect/shield me from men like Safaree”.
— Bree K. Jones ? (@hands4ears) November 22, 2022
Others said that Mena’s haggard looks were karmic payback and that she didn’t deserve empathy.
Erica Mena destroyed $50,000 worth of Safaree’s belongings, made a fake page to troll Cyn while she was postpartum, attacked Kimbella, kicked her BD in his head unwarranted. But y’all confused on why Safaree left? it’s like y’all don’t EVER wanna hold women accountable
— Indica the GOD ? (@indicachildT) November 25, 2022
I truly empathize with her, HOWEVER.. I’ll kindly leave this here
— Lola Bunny (@_ayeeekris) November 23, 2022
Erica Mena made her bed. We can’t feel sympathy for someone who was WARNED and decided to laugh at the warnings.
She taunted Nicki Minaj after she got w/ Safaree like she won a prize. Well, congratulations boo. ?
— ????????? ?????? (@wickedestbarbie) November 23, 2022
Erica Mena had this superior complex when she was engaged to Bow wow. She really needs to cleanse her spirit and stay celibate now. She was so beautiful back then too. Safaree got her looking old.
— Nomadic Dothraki (@NomadicDothraki) November 23, 2022
I feel Érica Mena regarding her divorce and everything she went through. But watching how she acts when Safaree attempts to speak on his feelings after she ASKED him….Men are very different with emotions and feelings. She caused that man to shut down.
Yea I said it. ?— HayleeMF.Mariee? (@mfHayleee) November 22, 2022
Mena and Samuels’ divorce was finalized on September 12.